4-Day Split Gym Routine


4-Day Split Gym Routine

The 4-day workout split is a productive and successful regimen that works all of the major muscle groups and provides the ideal amount of recovery time in between sessions. For people who wish to gain strength and muscle but don’t have much time to spend in the gym, it’s a great alternative. This post will offer a thorough explanation of the 4-day training split, along with important workouts for every muscle group, benefits to the approach, and a sample workout calendar.

Things To Consider Before Starting A 4-Day Split Gym Routine

While beginning a new exercise regimen can be thrilling and challenging at the same time, you can maximise your training split by taking the appropriate precautions. Take some time and ask yourself these crucial questions to see if a 4-day training programme is good for you before you commit.

Your Strength Training Experience:

When selecting a workout split, it’s important to take your existing strength training experience into account, regardless of your level of experience with weightlifting. It’s recommended to begin with a beginner-friendly regimen that works all of the key muscle groups without taxing your body too much if you’re new to the game. However, if you’re an experienced lifter, a more complex workout split that targets specific muscles might be the right fit for you.

Your Personal Objectives:

Prior to beginning a new exercise regimen, it’s critical to identify your personal fitness objectives. It is important to select a training split that is in line with your objectives, whether they are to gain muscle, reduce body fat, or improve strength. For the purpose of growing muscle and strength, a 4-day training split that hits all of the major muscle parts might be perfect, but a plan that emphasises cardio might be more effective for losing weight.

Your Weekly Timeline:

Your weekly schedule is an additional consideration. A 4-day workout split can be the best choice if you’re short on time and want to work out all of your key muscle groups without compromising your rest period. It’s crucial to pick a workout split that works with your schedule if you can only train on specific days of the week.

Age and Capacity for Rest and Recovery:

These are also important aspects to take into account when selecting an exercise schedule. Our bodies need more time to recuperate as we get older, so it’s critical to select a training regimen that provides enough downtime in between sessions. It’s also critical to select an exercise split that won’t worsen any injuries or other health issues you may be experiencing.

Health Concerns:

Finally, before beginning a new exercise regimen, it’s crucial to take any injuries or other health issues into account. Selecting a workout split that won’t overwork your shoulder or back, for example, is crucial if you have those conditions. Furthermore, before beginning any new exercise programme, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor or physical therapist if you have a persistent medical condition.

Steps On How To Plan An Effective 4-Day Split Gym Routine

It can be difficult to plan an efficient 4-day workout schedule that fits your goals and level of fitness. These methods will assist you in designing a 4-day workout routine that suits your schedule.

Step 1:

Assess your level of fitness and objectives. Establishing your goals and current fitness level is crucial before designing your 4-day training split. This will assist you in developing a regimen that is demanding but doable.

Step 2:

Select your workouts. Selecting the activities for your 4-day split comes after you’ve established your fitness level and goals. Use a variety of training methods and concentrate on exercises that work all of the major muscle groups.

Step 3:

Separate your training. Make sure to work out every major muscle group equally by dividing your workout days into four separate days. Additionally, you can schedule specialised training days for things like cardio, resistance training, or plyometrics.

Step 4:

Establish reps and sets. After selecting your exercises, it’s time to decide how many sets and repetitions you’ll do of each exercise. Your fitness level and goals will determine how many sets and repetitions you complete.

Sample Of A 4-Day Split Gym Routine

The ability to effortlessly include other workout routines, like the upper-lower split, into the 4-day workout split is one of its many wonderful features. To develop a training regimen that is both extremely effective and versatile, some fitness enthusiasts opt to combine the two workout routines. You can switch between lower and upper body workouts on separate days. It can include the upper-lower split within the 4-day workout split. You could follow this example of a 4-day workout split schedule.

Day 1: Upper Body (push focus)

  • Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 reps
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets x 8 reps
  • Cable Flys: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Tricep Extensions: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps

Day 2: Lower Body (quad focus)

  • Squats: 3 sets x 8 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Lunges: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Calf Raises: 3 sets x 12 reps

Day 3: Rest day

Day 4: Upper Body (pull focus)

  • Pull-ups: 3 sets x 8 reps
  • Rows: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Hammer Curls: 3 sets x 12 reps

Day 5: Lower Body (hamstring focus)

  • Deadlifts: 3 sets x 8 reps
  • Hamstring Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Glute Bridges: 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Calf Raises: 3 sets x 12 reps

Day 6 and 7: Rest days

Benefits Of A 4-Day Split Gym Routine

Numerous advantages exist for developing strength and muscle with the 4-day workout split. The following are some of the main benefits of this exercise regimen:

1. A 4-Day Split Training Schedule Lets You Train Hard

In addition to providing you with enough sleep, a 4-day split schedule is structured so that you can consistently show up for workouts and give your all. You are more inclined to give it your all on the workout floor since you are aware that you will have plenty of leisure days. In addition, you’ll simply have greater energy.

2. Your Focus Is Maintained by Training Four Days a Week

A 4-day split gym programme is popular among athletes since it helps maintain focus during exercise. Four days is more than enough time to do all the necessary lifts and a fantastic workout. It also necessitates that you exercise as though every rep matters and enter the gym with a goal. A four-day split does not include pointless exercises or extra time to complete them. A four-day exercise regimen entails going in, giving it your all, and then leaving.

3. Workout Plans for Four Days Provides Enough Rest

The fact that this workout allows you lots of recovery time during the week may be its greatest advantage. Whether or not a programme gives a trainee enough time off in between sessions is one of the biggest factors determining its effectiveness. Actually, especially for novices, this is one of the primary areas where learners make mistakes.

4. Permits Various Split Variations

You have enough of days to split up your body parts or exercises because there are four training days. This implies that you can design a 4-day split specifically for fat loss, strength, or hypertrophy.


You don’t have to overcomplicate things, but your diet will have a significant impact on how well you follow this programme. These are the fundamental figures for your macros.

  • Protein: You should consume 1.6–2.0 grammes of protein per kilogramme of body weight each day in order to maximise muscle growth (or preserve muscular mass). If your aim is to decrease fat while keeping muscle, even more has been demonstrated to work.
  • Carbs: Depending on your daily activity level, this will vary from person to person but will generally be between 5-8g/kg per day.
  • Fat: Use up the remaining calories on fat. This amount ought to represent at least 20% of your overall calorie intake.

Is A 4-Day Split Gym Routine Best For Me?

Four days a week of exercise provides you with enough of time in the gym to develop a well-rounded programme that works every muscle in your body. Because it provides you with a balanced two days for each variant, it works particularly well with Upper/Lower and Push/Pull splits. It also helps you maintain a healthy balance between days of exercise and rest, which is crucial for preventing overtraining.

Because you have an extra day to exercise in a 4-day split, you could possibly get by with shorter sessions than you do in a 3-day split. Cutting down on session length allows you to concentrate more on quality sets, which may suffer if you try to fit too much into one workout.


While allowing you to concentrate on particular muscle areas, adding the upper-lower split into the 4-day workout split can offer an excellent mix of full-body strength training. Allowing each muscle group enough time to heal also helps you avoid overtraining and lowers your chance of injury. Always keep in mind that the most crucial thing is to identify an exercise regimen that you enjoy and to continuously follow it. You can design a flexible and successful training programme that aids in the achievement of your fitness objectives by combining the upper-lower split with the 4-day workout split.


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