Join RB Leipzig Football Academy


One of the finest options for any young person hoping to play professional football is to enroll in a football academy. Based in Leipzig, Germany, RB Leipzig is a Bundesliga football team that has gained a lot of notoriety in the football community.

It has done so successfully since its founding in 2009. It is amazing how quickly they rose through the German football rankings to play in Europe, but even more amazing is the amount of money the club invests on the development of young players through the RB Leipzig Football Academy.


The goal of the RB Leipzig Football Academy is to identify and develop young football players into future stars. It acts as a nexus for these players. Located in the center of Leipzig lies this academy. Additionally, they created the facility with the ideal setting in mind to help prospective football players advance their knowledge and abilities.

The RBL Football Academy’s training facility, which acts as the talent center, is the second club location. It’s next to the arena owned by Red Bull. The young bulls of the U19, U17, U16, U15, U14, and U13 train in Cottaweg in Leipzig in addition to the professional squad. The following teams also practice there: U12, U11, U10, U9 I, U9 II, U8 I, and U8 II.

The RB Leipzig Academy’s Mission

Our club’s goal includes developing young players as a major component. Ensuring long-term success is the aim. Talented individuals who wish to work with us will be embarking on a distinctive journey founded on our common beliefs and values. It also entails engaging in our comprehensive, cutting-edge approach to discovering fresh talent.

The school is concerned about the growth of its young stars in all areas so that they can succeed and perform well on this route. Getting good grades, playing sports, and promoting interpersonal harmony are all part of the objective.

Recruitment trials for the Red Bull LEIPZIG Football Academy

Application for Trial Training at RB Leipzig

The RB Leipzig Football Academy only accepts applications from players who are between the ages of U8 and U14 for trial training. Only full applications with a photo will be taken into consideration. If you are an overseas applicant who is above 16 years old and a current U-national in your home country, we will consider your application.

State-of-the-Art Resources at RB Leipzig Academy

The RB Leipzig Football Academy is equipped with top-notch resources. They consist of several training fields, video analysis rooms, gyms, and even academic development classrooms. The academy creates both talented players and well-educated people thanks to this blend of football and educational resources.

Integration With The First Team

The academy’s smooth transition into the senior team is one of its best qualities. Talented children get the chance to practice and perhaps perform with their idols. Nonetheless, this offers a singular educational opportunity and motivates them to pursue greatness.

The Philosophy of RB Leipzig Youth Development

The academy’s commitment to holistic development lies at the heart of its ideology. Not only should elite football players be produced, but also well-rounded people. The academy prioritizes these three areas:

Mental Toughness: Playing football may be taxing on the mind. Gamers receive training on how to handle stress, overcome obstacles, and maintain concentration on their objectives. This mental toughness is extremely valuable in the professional football realm.

Tactical Awareness: It’s important to comprehend the subtleties of the game. The academy’s coaches place a high value on tactical knowledge to help players adjust to various play styles and systems.

Technical Excellence: To refine their technical abilities, the young players receive excellent instruction. Every facet of the game, from passing and dribbling to shooting and defending, is carefully taught and honed.

Engagement of the RB Leipzig Football Academy in the Community

In addition to player development, RB Leipzig is dedicated to building a vibrant Leipzig football community. By organising grassroots initiatives, community outreach, and assistance for nearby schools and youth clubs, they increase access to football for the area’s young athletes.

In summary

One excellent illustration of how a football team can benefit over time is the RB Leipzig Football Academy. a location where individuals can develop personally, pursue their goals, and get better at both on and off the field. This school will undoubtedly be at the top of the list, producing the future stars, if RB Leipzig wishes to make a lasting impression on the world of football.

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